KBB#6 Cheese Biscuit
Ini hasil tantangan KBB # 6 Cheese Biscuit. Bikinnya gampang, bahannya juga simple. Rasanya lmyn, kyk kastangel tp pedes. Biar g terlalu asin, sy combine margarine sama mentega tawar 1:1, trus kejunya juga g semuanya pake keju tua. Sy combine juga keju parmesan dengan chedar. Krn g nemu cheyene papper jadinya pake chilli papper aja. Oh iya krn g punya wijen, akhirnya sy pake kacang mete yg dihancurkan. Enak juga kok... Ini resepnya : Tingkat Kesulitan: Mudah. English Version Source: Vogue Australia: Wine and Food Cookbook. 225g grated mature cheese 125g butter 125g flour cayenne pepper to taste sesame seeds With finger tips, mix together cheese, butter, flour and cayenne pepper until mixture forms a mass. Butter a biscuit tray. Make small balls of the dough. Roll some in sesame seeds and press on tray, placing them fairly far apart as they will spread while cooking. (We have pressed walnuts on some of the biscuits and, for a colour contrast, some chopped pistachio nuts). Bake biscu...